Diaquip provides services to support the complete life-cycle of a clinical, medical or laboratory diagnostic solution.

find out more about what we do 

Specialists in Life Science & Healthcare Diagnostics.

Diaquip supplies equipment for Clinical laboratories focused on applied science; and to Research laboratories that focus on academic science.

Diaquip also provides Point-of-care testing (POCT) equipment & related consumables. This includes near the  point of care equipment for use at the time and place of patient care.

Diaquip has specific interest in bringing In-Vitro Diagnostics to clinics and hospitals in Central and Eastern Europe and supporting the healthcare sectors across this region.

Originally our focus was to benefit those countries with the World’s highest incidence of cancers after the 1986 nuclear incident at Chernobyl. Since then, we have expanded to treat other conditions and most recently COVID.

About us


Diaquip Limited are UK based specialists in providing clinical and medical diagnostics solutions into the public and private healthcare sectors in Eastern Europe. Supported from subsidiary and representative offices along with a network of in-market sub-dealers.

Diaquip provides services to support the complete life-cycle of a clinical, medical or laboratory diagnostic solution.

Diaquip Limited supplies equipment for in-vitro (out of body) diagnostics of tissues taken from the human body. Such tests are typically done in a laboratory.  In vitro diagnostics (IVD) can detect diseases or other conditions and can be used to monitor a person’s overall health to help cure, treat, or prevent diseases. Advanced IVD can include next generation sequencing tests, which scan a person’s DNA to detect genomic variations.

Diaquip sources diagnostic laboratory equipment from a variety of International Manufacturers. Working across 18 countries, including Belgium, China, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, South Korea, the United Kingdom and USA.

We’re here to help identify & supply diagnostic technologies.

Diaquip has a team of industry experts that have specialist product knowledge and are able to understand how technologies can be applied in the workflow processes of laboratories and clinics.

Our specialists keep up-to-date with leading technologies and identify emerging technologies that can have a real benefit to a specific client or across our wider client base as a whole.

Our goal is to help bring access to modern and best practice clinical technologies so that they can have a real impact across the healthcare sector and in particular on patients.

Our Services

Diaquip provides services to support the complete life-cycle of a diagnostic solution:

  • Consultancy for Identification of technologies.
  • Support to regulatory compliance & registrations.
  • Procurement, Import & Supply.
  • Installation.
  • Training.
  • On-going support including maintenance and supply of consumables.

United Kingdom

Diaquip’s International Head Office

Diaquip Limited are now based on Salford Quays – a world-class business, cultural and residential area in Greater Manchester; in close proximity to MediaCityUK, The University of Salford, the Soapwork/Foundry business centres; and the Old Trafford sporting venues.

Clippers House, Clippers Quay, Salford Quays, Salford, Greater Manchester, M50 3XP, United Kingdom.

[email protected] 

Note: We moved from Technology House in June 2020.

Diaquip Limited is registered for VAT in the following countries: 

  • United Kingdom: GB201978706; and
  • Lithuania: LT100010426317.

Diaquip Limited has EORI registrations for UK and EU: 

  • United Kingdom: GB201978706000; and
  • EU issued by Lithuania: LTGB0000000008525.

Regional Locations

Diaquip has access to local market and technical support through its local partners and in-market sub-dealers. 

In addition, Diaquip is supported by a subsidiary company, Diaquip Ukraine LLC, operating in Kyiv.

Given that sanctions are in place featuring countries in which Diaquip operates, it is sensible that we take a risk-based approached to business within these regions.

You can find out about our approach to Dealing with conflict in our markets from February 2022 and Sanctions below.


Diaquip’s subsidiary company in Ukraine.

Diaquip Ukraine LLC
Room 212, 40 Ushinskoho str.,

[email protected]

Company Number:  43813709.


Diaquip has been supporting access to healthcare diagnostics equipment and testing in Lithuania since 2017. Diaquip originally operated a local subsidary company in Vilnius but has more recently worked with a network of local indepedent sub-dealers.

Please contact our UK Head Office so we can pass on your enquiry to one of our Lithuanian based partners so that they can assit.

Dealing with conflict in our markets from February 2022. 

Diaquip Limited considers itself as a socially responsible UK company. We are based in Greater Manchester being a region of around 2.8 million people that includes many from Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic States. So, we not only agree our government’s support to Ukraine but we also actively support the wishes of our local Manchester community.

Consider that Diaquip Limited focuses on helping the public and private healthcare sectors in emerging economies to get access to diagnostics technologies. These have a real benefit to healthcare institutions and their patients, but they were not easily available to some countries.

Over two decades ago our original focus for business was those countries most effected from the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986. These countries experienced the World’s highest incidence of infant, breast and gastric cancers developed from the fallout across their borders. In the uncertain times after the invasion of Ukraine in 2022 we still supply the needs of cancer patients in all of those impacted countries.

Given the evolving state of sanctions and related restrictions in support of Ukraine we are aware of the increasing sensitivity of our business within the region. We work ​closely with local legal and customs experts and related government agencies to ensure that any cross-border trade remains compliant to International restrictions. We continue to monitor the events unfolding in Central and Eastern Europe through war in Ukraine and the attention given to markets within the region.  

We have colleagues, sub-dealers and customers in Ukraine which to December 2021 was our fastest growing market. Our colleagues need our help now and eventually to rebuild their country. We are proud to support their families as sponsors of their relocation to the UK and elsewhere. We also did not hesitate to respond to immediate needs to replace war damage in Ukraine or the needs of refugees crossing its borders.

Diaquip operates a subsidiary company, Diaquip Ukraine LLC, from Kyiv, Ukraine which has been able to continue to operate and work with local partners to organise the re-supply of much needed medical equipment and related testing capabilities into the Ukraine healthcare system.

Diaquip Limited first responded to requests for first aid to refugees at border crossings and family accommodation beyond in Poland. It was an early contributor to the humanitarian support. It provided aid to Ukrainian hospitals and helped local partners establish distribution from Lviv.

We are committed to invest in order to rebuild. Diaquip Limited supplies equipment for in-vitro (out of body) diagnostics of tissues taken from the human body. Such tests are typically done in a laboratory.  Despite the war and political situation in Ukraine, we have proceeded to work with local partners to invest in establishing a new medical diagnostics laboratory in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Diaquip does not operate in Russia. This is our choice rather than a consequence of sanctions. It is a considered response to the perpetrators of war on our colleagues and friends. It also in deference to our colleagues in the Baltic States and from the large local community in Greater Manchester, UK from Eastern Europe. Diaquip Limited no longer has any supplier or customer relationships based in Russia. We remain vigilant to maintain this situation.


A distinctive feature of the Medical and Healthcare business sectors is that manufacturers must adhere to a much fuller range of international regulation. Strict standards must be maintained for high levels of quality for their product and to monitor location and shelf life across the distribution of their product. 

Manufacturers are increasingly held responsible for the behaviour of any related parties within the distribution chain.Most markets include sales to state healthcare organisations and might feature tendering processes. Consequently they are also subject to a larger range of international regulations. The most invasive of these obligations are provided under anti-corruption law, including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (USA), Bribery Act (UK) and European Anti-Corruption Directives.

Diaquip regularly participates in far-reaching due diligence exercises undertaken by manufactures and by their distributors to satisfy normal requirements under anti-money laundering regulations and standard know-your-customer requirements. Additionally, Manufacturers also have legal obligations to ensure that products are distributed within the correct regions, according to both distributing agreements and State registrations.

Individuals within Diaquip are also regulated by their Professional Accreditations and Governing Bodies (including ICAEW, CMI and HM Revenue & Customs) under Money Laundering Regulations.

 Anti-Bribery Policy & Guidelines (Public Version) [EN]  Anti-Corruption Policy [RU]


Diaquip Limited understands its responsibilities to conform within UK sanctions and related restrictions; and to those also put in place by EU and US authorities. This emanates from the directors being personally regulated through professional and statutory requirements of MLR 2006-20 for Anti-Money Laundering, measures against Terrorist Financing and International Sanctions adopted by the UK. For the latter we are registered with the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) of H M Treasury as the authority for the implementation of financial sanctions in the UK. 

Given that sanctions are in place featuring countries in which Diaquip operates, it is sensible that we take a risk-based approached to business transactions within these regions.

To the best of our knowledge, none of the entities that Diaquip Limited work with feature on UK, EU or US sanctions and related restrictions. Diaquip Limited monitors HM Treasury advice and gets regular e-mail updates from UK HM Treasury on Sanctions and Restrictions and its EU and US counter-parts; this information is used to cross-check designated entities against our business to ensure that we remain compliant.

The medical diagnostics equipment and testing reagents distributed by Diaquip Limited do not require any special licence for distribution; and do not feature within the scope of the UK financial or trade sanctions. ​ We regularly review the products that Diaquip exports with local logistics partners and relevant authorities, in particular with Lithuanian based State customs and State departments responsible for administrating export licencing and the related restrictions, to ensure that we remain compliance with the appropriate regulations. 

Sanctions are also in place in support of aggression against Ukraine. The country of Ukraine is not under any blanket sanctions, but certain individuals and entities are. ​Diaquip Limited does not have any business with any of the named individuals or entities listed within UK, EU or US Sanctions relating to Ukraine.

We have experience of working within Ukraine from many years of operations. Moreover, we have colleagues (many are now refugees), customers and suppliers directly affected by the consequences of war. So, it is incumbent on us to ensure compliance with sanctions, but with the added sensitivity for our duty to these others.